Social Justice Committee
Meets quarterly to pray and study Catholic social justice teachings and plan activities and action responses to social justice issues. We are involved in direct service to the needy and also promote social change.
Advent Giving Tree
Lenten Care Bags
Collect food and personal care items for various agencies during Lent.
Coat & Blanket Ministry
Sorting and delivering donated coats to keep those in need warm through the cold winter months. Boxes are put in the back of the church and collected throughout the month of November.
Brothers Keepers
Helping provide food to the needy.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
A charitable society organized by Frederic Ozanam and modeled after the patron Saint Vincent de Paul dedicated to serving the needs of people in our community who need temporary help with food (food pantry), clothing. (We have a collection station on the North end of the back parking lot.) Our chapter meets on the third Sunday of the month at 9:10 a.m. in Guadalupe Hall.
Thanksgiving & Christmas Food Baskets
Making and delivering food baskets for those in need in our community
Prayer Chain for the Sick
A method of having people prayed for by fellow parishioners. Simply call the parish office with a prayer request and your petition will be passed on to people who pray. Join us in this prayer ministry by calling Claudia Sturm at the parish office.
Hands of Grace
A coalition of Fulton County faith congregations and community agencies united for the purpose of enhancing the quality of life of the elderly, homebound, and persons living with disabilities through volunteer assistance and adult day care.
Hospital Visitors
People who bring our sense of care and good cheer to those who are in area hospitals.
Nursing Home Mass Assistant
Help set up for Mass and bring people from their rooms for the monthly Masses at Swanton Health Care (first Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m.) and Swanton Valley (2nd Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m.).
Eucharistic Minister to Nursing Homes
Weekly take communion to the two nursing homes in Swanton. Wednesday-Swanton Valley and Friday- Swanton Health Care at 10:00am. We also pray a rosary with the residents at this time.
Eucharistic Minister to Homebound
Take Communion weekly to our homebound parishioners.
Bereavement Support Group
This group meets on the 3rd Monday of the month. It is to help anyone who may be experiencing grief. Through the support of this group you may find it easier to cope.
Funeral Dinner Teams
We are here to serve fellow parishioners in the time of death of a loved one by offering to serve dinner following the Funeral Mass. We hope and pray in some way we can be of comfort to you in your time of bereavement.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This ministry is provided by members of our community who make the prayer shawls and are then blessed and prayed over by our prayer group. They are then presented to those who are sick, may have a lost a loved one.
Adopt An Elderly/Homebound
The main purpose is to get parishioners young and old to adopt a person who is homebound or in the nursing home. This ministry allows one to visit them, send them letters, get to know them better, remember their birthday with a card, and make them feel special and appreciated.